The Sticky Part


    When you hear about Halloween, you think of witches, brooms, black cats, and creepy crawlies. Let's visit one of the favored creepy crawlies.

*Spider and Spider Webs*

    One thing I have both loved and hated in all of the previous years is the spider decor. As a photographer, spiders are a natural subject. Now as much as I love looking at spiders, I am much happier not having them on me. Or better yet, their web. I am actually more freaked out about the web touching me than the spider. I know, weird, right?

I mean, come on, look at this web!

    So, real or fake? Well, this one is actually real. This was on my hedge and was covered with the dew from an extremely heavy Silent Hill level fog. And this is what we present as the 99¢ spiderwebbing look. This boils down to one of the most web option. Now, wanna see what that 99¢ spiderweb package looks like....

Um, yea, no that's not the right one. You'd probably be better to just forget you saw that one.

    Now where did that picture go? You know, the one where it actually looks like I know what I'm doing, yea that's the one.

    Yes, yes, that's better. Not bad, right? Well, mostly right. There is a down side to this type of spider webbing. It is really effing difficult to get this shit OUT of said hedge line, without burning it down and starting over. But, I digress, I am renting and burning things to the ground in a nice little heap of smolders is bad. Apparently. 

*A Better Plan... Hopefully*

   I began to search out a different method of making spiderwebs. Thanks to the multitude of Halloween DIY groups I am part of on Facebook, it was not long before someone mentioned beef netting. Having grown up just a hop, skip, and jump away from a meat packing plant in Virginia, I knew exactly what this netting was. So, I began checking out how to turn this kind of netting into full fledge spiderwebs.

    Guess what, you get to come along for the ride. Will it look amazing? Will it be the end all, be all solution? Will it crash and burn? (And we are right back to the whole burning thing) I really don't know. I cut a tester piece and found out that it will require quite a bit of work. And a few more bracing boards. And screws. So many screws. But I promise, y'all will get to see it as soon as it starts coming along. You never know, I may even post some progression pics to Insta. You know the drill; click, follow, subscribe, and what not so you don't miss a minute of the action.


  1. That sounds interesting!
    I could have offered you a few real spiderwebs - spiders love my flat - but I just got rid of them ;-)


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