Day 23
It's ticking down
Corn Maze or Haunted Attraction
Well now, this one should be easy. I'll always be down for either but I love haunted attractions because there's always that excitement surrounding it. While I do not scare easily, it's still so much fun. I am always alert to what is around me and from that ability to quickly analyze the surroundings, I can pinpoint where the actors are going to be. With a corn maze it's straightforward but there's that feeling of anxiety about not knowing where you are and where you're going. That is one part that freaks me out is not being able to figure out how to go.
Movie Night Title
Scary Stories to tell in the Dark
Once again, I am getting into new material here. So, I don't really know what to expect but I'm sure it will be a good night.
It is definitely been a good run for the setup of the haunt though. Spider webbing is up with only a few more details left to go there. I'm fleshing out the pet sematary more so that will be ready for the debut. It's almost down to the wire.
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